- Redis server (not needed for Docker setup)
(copy from config.example.toml
- Matrix account credentials
- Create configuration:
cp config.example.toml config.toml
# Edit config.toml with your settings
# Important: use "redis" as host in [redis] section
- Run services:
docker compose up -d
- Create service user:
sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false w3r
sudo mkdir -p /etc/w3registrar
sudo chown -R w3r:w3r /etc/w3registrar
- Install binary:
# Download from releases page
# https://github.com/rotkonetworks/w3registrar/releases/
sudo cp w3registrar-* /usr/local/bin/w3registrar
sudo chown w3r:w3r /usr/local/bin/w3registrar
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/w3registrar
- Configure:
sudo cp config.toml /etc/w3registrar/
sudo chown w3r:w3r /etc/w3registrar/config.toml
sudo chmod 600 /etc/w3registrar/config.toml
- Create systemd service:
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/w3registrar.service << EOF
Description=Identity Registrar Service
After=network.target redis.service
sudo systemctl enable --now w3registrar
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev git
# Build
git clone https://github.com/rotkonetworks/w3registrar.git
cd w3registrar
cargo build --release
# Follow binary installation steps 1-4 above
endpoint = "wss://people-polkadot.dotters.network" # people system chain
registrar_index = 11 # your registrar index
keystore_path = "./keyfile_polkadot" # IdentityJudgement proxy private key
accountid = "1Ard..." # registrar public key
host = ""
port = 8080
host = "redis" # Use "redis" for Docker, "" otherwise
port = 6379
homeserver = "https://matrix.beeper.com"
username = "regbot"
password = "your-password"
security_key = "EsTg A8Uh 9yFK 3uN1 16s6 WVDA gHLU kEid j9F1 iHt6 5V3u XSPs"
admins = ["@admin:matrix.org"]
- Redis Connection: Check if Redis is running and host configuration
- Matrix Login: Verify credentials and security key
- Permissions: Ensure proper file ownership and permissions under w3r user